WordPress Permalinks on GoDaddy Web Hosting

Hello friends, i recently visited the comments on most of sites regarding the Godaddy web hosting and some small problems regarding their hosting accounts, if we consider the Wordpress permalinks on Godaddy web hosting most are saying that those are not working fine, but dears those are working properly its simple i will explain the fact 

About WordPress Permalinks:

For those that are new to WordPress, Pretty Permalinks or Custom Permalinks allow you to transform the typical page urls that are created by the software. If you take a look at your address bar as you click through a new WordPress website, you will see urls that look like this:

Clearly, there are many problems with this url. First, it isn’t search engine friendly. And second, it is hard for any visitor to remember. So, you can create urls that look like this:


Much better!

This is easily accomplished hear :
  1. logon to your wordpress admin
  2. Select permalinks under settings tab
  3. Now you will see the page as[ Click on the image for extra large ]
    str wpplinks
  4. That’s it you done
  5. Now if you browse your site it will show 404 page[ Click on the image for extra large ]
    str godaddy404
  6. But friends please wait for 30 -60 Min because Godaddy servers will take the time to update the .htaccess file
  7. So when dealing with GoDaddy, just be patient.
  1. If there is no .htaccess file in your wordpress folder, just create it through notepad it may take 5-10 sec, i think my conversation is clear to you
  2. One should remember is check the upload folder settings at Miscellaneous tab under sttings

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